Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Alabama School Children- Seat Belts

Why are Alabamians having to decide if school children actually need seat belts on buses to keep them safe? Isn't that a given or is it really a matter of funds? Alabama is a state that has far more takers in the governmental money pot than let's say our neighbors to the east and southeast. They have large economies of working Americans that pay plenty of taxes. In Alabama we have more retired and governmental needy people living in the state. Currently, Governor Bob Riley says, "We need to prove once and for all whether or not this is the right thing to do." He is referring to a study that will take three years to determine whether it is "the right thing." Could this be the big issue for our next gubernatorial race in Alabama in 2012?

Who in the past decided not to include seat belts for Alabama's children anyway? Read the full article: "No rush to put seat belts on buses" in the Huntsville Times.

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