Tuesday, January 13, 2009

UPDATE:Pilot Bails Out of Plane to Fake Death in Alabama HE's Found!

Why would a man fake his death and go to all this trouble? Officials find after their initial probe of Marcus Schrenker who is 38, explain that he has multiple sclerosis, experienced a recent death in the family, owes huge amounts of debt, pilots his plane and makes a distress call to authorities. Later, he is seen on video at a motel in Harpersville, Alabama only after parachuting out of his plane. Supposedly he has previously hidden a motorcycle for use later before lying to police about how he had a canoe accident while wearing goggles. This is a made for television movie! Now, he is on the lose as authorities look for him. His mother explains that she loves him and that it's time to come home. See UPDATE says "He' found!"

Read the full story in the Birmingham News online.

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